
Joseph's Web Page


November - December 2007

Christmas 2007
Christmas Gifts 2007
Me and some of my Christmas gifts.
December 25, 2007


To anyone who is keeping up with me...

"Merry Christmas, and thanks for all the thoughts and prayers" - Joey
Mommy holding me up a
Mommy holding me up b
Mommy holding me up c
December 16, 2007

I'm working on how long I can go without additional oxygen. I can go 15 minutes without any problems. I have only tried a few times, but will do more testing in the next few weeks.

I like to be held up in the air. I always smile when Mommy or Daddy lift me up high.
Smile in Swing
December 12, 2007
Playing in Chair in front of Christmas Tree
December 10, 2007
December 4, 2007

12 lbs 1 oz

A little over 7 months old ( 3 months adjusted )

I'm starting to gain weight again. I'm still not eating as much as I was before I started having reflux, but I am getting close. I get better and better every day.
I went to the doctor today and I got a flu shot, along with another RSV shot. The pictures on the left were taken prior to me getting the shots. I was not happy after the shots.

I am still on oxygen, but am allowed to take it off from time to time to see how well I do. My parents have only allowed me to go 15 minutes without oxygen, but I know I can go further ( I think they are a little scared right now ). I'll keep working on them.

Also, the oxygen allows me to not burn as many calories during the day. My doctor thinks it is best to stay on the oxygen until I am eating a bit better. She calls the oxygen my Vitamin "O". I am on a very low setting, and don't have any problems keeping my saturation level where it should be.

Early Christmas gift from Aunt JoAnn, Uncle Jeff and my cousins Collin and Carson
November 29, 2007

I got a new jumper, but am still a little small. I thought I would try it out, and plan to get a lot of use out of it in a few months.
November 06 2007 Daddy makes me laugh.
Daddy makes me laugh.
20071105B Me and Granny
Me and my granny.
November 05, 2007
November 04, 2007
20071103A Me and Grandpa
Me and Grandpa
November 03, 2007
 December 04 2007

Nov - Dec 2007

I'm just growing and growing. I still have reflux so I am not eating as well as I should. My parents need to wake me up several times a night for feeding. Sometimes I don't get up, but just eat a few ounces while sleeping. I had a very nice 1st Christmas.